The Space Between ethos is about:
The Space Between is the endeavour of those who helped create it, those who continually help to fuel it and those who engage with it, deriving value & enabling it to realize its purpose.
To create a healthy supportive environment that fosters compassion and self-development.
To be playful, malleable & dynamic, a living creative entity of sorts.
Be unique and suitably brave in our programming
Become a teacher focused entity
Build a sense of community
Be warm, inviting & accessible towards all
The space between is about balance, the blending of opposites, finding that hallowed middle ground where integration & oneness reside:
Contemplation & Action
It a contemplative space that leads to considered action.
Darkness & light
It honors being human and marrying these elements in your make up.
Boundaries & Space
A safe space to navigate within boundaries and
dive deeper if you choose
Personal & Collective
Honoring the collective by supporting and assisting the personal journey.
Conscious and the subconscious
Creating internal space through which
insight may emerge, processing from the sub–conscious to the conscious.
Commercial and Holistic – Walking the line
It is about the Here & Now – building presence and engagement,
supporting a shift towards conscious living.
Although our core offering will be structured it is also a blank canvas that can facilitate a variety of activities and experiences, casting the net beyond our core activities.
It is wide with a rigid core. Our core is a very structured weekly yoga/meditation schedule, on our periphery is the blank canvas populated by events and experiences, an exciting space where new things may emerge. We are encourage participation from anyone who would like to assist us and create in this area.
Core: The yoga/meditation program will be both a simple and strong offering achieved through a balanced mix of both established and upcoming teachers. In this core program of activities there will be sprinklings of alternative offerings eg Wim Hof breathwork, music led meditation sessions, heated Yin etc.
We will be continually tweaking and growing this as things progress.
This area is quite open for any number of activities to emerge.
Within the first three months we aim to have:
Music events – small gigs and experiential audio-visual events, album listening parties
Art exhibition
first one planned called ‘The Space Between’ with
James Kirwan & John O’Reilly
Workshops & Talk events
Would be wonderful to bring over amazing thinkers and doers for one-off workshops beyond the yoga offering – entrepreneurs, nutritionists, psychologists, designers. Would also love to start a live podcast in the space.
book launches, album launches
We also have a cosy and familial café offering at the front to facilitate a hang-out space along with a hospitality offering for the general public who may just want to pop in for a cuppa and read of their book.
In summary there is no roadmap to life, we need tools, skills, passion, purpose and each other in order to best navigate the path ahead. Most importantly we need to have fun with it.
Often the toughest moments, on uncertain ground & unable to see a path out is where the true wisdom lies. This wisdom needs space & presence of mind so the insight can emerge and be implemented.
We have the potential to create a space that can serve this process albeit in a small but nonetheless wonderful, effective and playful way. That, very simply, is the opportunity.